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Thursday, April 20, 2006


Soya Sauce...I have asked Lee Golgerth (one of my team members) where can I get some soya sauce since I have split mine on my way to work ...So, with the kindness of Lee, he brought back a mountain of sauce !! Man, this is a lot! PLUS my car stinked like a walking soya sauce now! *&%$$%^$

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


19 April 2006 - Gaujai (Puppy in Cantonese)

No name was given to this cute little Poodle x Bichon. She was being fostered during Easter Break ... Very lovely little one *.*

Day begins with new objectives ....

18 April 2006 ...

First of all, Hello to all ! ^_^ attached picture is Alfie - cute little fluffy Maltese x Shih Tzu.

Year of Dog should bring lots of love, joy & peace. Hmmm... What objectives should I have for this year?

1. Weight-Lost programme ? Man, this has been my No.1 objective since 2001 *the day I started at Oracle Corporation*
2. Financially sound ! ...With lots of spare cash to "throw" at the retail stores, hurray!